Why Is SEO So Important?

As a business owner, you might have heard of SEO, or search engine optimization, and wondered why it’s important and if it’s even something you need to be worried about.

SEO essentially determines where your business’ website appears within search engine results.

Here is an example…

Let’s say you are looking for a gym in Bozeman, Montana. You Google “Gyms in Bozeman” and see a page full of results.

Chances are, you click on one of the first few results that pops up. In fact, 75% of people never even scroll past the first page of search results!

And what’s more, 68% of online traffic begins with a search engine like Google.

That means, if your business is on that first page you will get significantly more visits to your website, and subsequently, more customers!

And, if you can get the coveted #1 spot on the search result page, your website is 10x more likely to get a click compared to the 10th.

That can make a significant difference when it comes to growing your business.

If you are interested in getting your business listed higher on Google search results, that’s certainly something we can help with.

Feel free to reach out to us at https://lastbestpixel.com/contact/

We specialize in helping Bozeman or Montana based businesses, but we are happy to help you no matter where you’re located.

We hope this article was informative
Feel free to reach out with any questions or leave us a comment below

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